How to Market Your Senior Living Community

Based on the U.S. 2020 Census, over 10,000 Baby Boomers retire each day. Until 2030, all boomers will turn at least 65, which means the market for senior living facilities will be booming.

Now is a great time to boost your senior living business marketing efforts and offer boomers something unique for their lifestyle and needs.

Read on to discover the most effective ways to market your senior living community business and attract your ideal customers.

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Know What Your Target Market Needs

It’s one thing to know who your target market is and another to know exactly what their needs are. When people are looking for a senior living facility, they’re not looking for just a room or a place to stay. They’re looking for a lifestyle, a home, and a place to feel safe and taken care of.

Anticipating your target market’s needs can help you market your business better and offer potential customers exactly what they need.

Be Where Your Target Market Is

Most Baby Boomers use Facebook as their main social media platform of choice. They don’t just use it to connect with friends and family but also to find new brands and to share content.

This is also where you need to focus your senior care business marketing efforts. Seniors and Baby Boomers respond well to visual content and videos, so amp up your production to grab their attention.

Target Both Adult Children and Seniors

If you’re creating a marketing campaign, it’s wise to target both the seniors and their adult children. This is because, in many situations, it’s the adult children researching and looking for a senior care community for their parents. It’s also the adult children who will be paying for their parents’ stay.

Give Your Website a Makeover

In the U.S. alone, 64% of boomers are online and most of them have at least one social media account. This means when they need to research senior living options, they’ll no longer call someone younger to help them.

Your website needs to be designed for conversions and more importantly, to be accessible to people with disabilities. It needs to load fast, have plenty of videos and images, and be optimized for mobile devices.

Produce High-Quality Targeted Content

When you know exactly who your customers are and what they’re looking for, invest in producing content to meet their needs. This can be anything from blog posts, social media posts, videos, email newsletters, and brochures.

If you’re not sure how to streamline your company marketing efforts, it might be time to ask for more help by hiring a professional senior living marketing agency.

Promote Your Senior Living Community Effectively With These Tips

Whether you’re a new owner of a senior living community or want to promote your existing business, these tips will help you spread the word and attract more customers.

Want more senior living and business growth tips? Head over to our blog where we post the latest industry news and topics and stay tuned to discover the latest trends and updates.