Altering Your Home to Cope With Limited Mobility

If you have found yourself in a position whereby your mobility has been significantly affected by an illness, injury or old age, you will need to start altering areas of your life so that things become that little bit easier. The hardest thing to accept is that you can no longer do the things that you used to be able to do and once you have made this realization, you can start tweaking things around you to improve your daily life. The home is a big area of this and you should either look into wheelchair accessible homes, homes which are geared up for limited mobility or make changes in your current property so that you won’t have to struggle each day. Assuming you can alter your home, let’s take a look at some installment which could improve your life.

Stair Lift

If you have stairs in your place then struggling up and down them should not be an option for you, it is uncomfortable, it can be stressful and ultimately it could cause more damage should you fall. For that reason a stair lift is the best idea for you and one that will ensure that you can go up and down the stairs without any problems. Simply sit down and press a button on the remote and you will be automatically lifted up the stairs.

New Bath

Getting in and out of the bath to wash can be difficult if you have limited abilities and for that reason it makes a lot of sense to have a new bath installed. There are many options available to your for having a new bath put in, you could get a bath with a door which allows you to walk in and out without putting necessary pressure on you or you could even buy a raised bath which means you do not need to work as hard getting in or out.


A cheap and helpful option for you when it comes to getting around the home is to have railing placed throughout the house which you can hold on to for support. There is no point in causing yourself any unnecessary strain when you are going from room to room and these rails can really help you to take the pressure off your body.

Emergency Button

A key piece of equipment which you should think about installing is an emergency button which connects to the emergency services. When you have this installed, you can wear it around your neck so that should you fall or face any real difficulties in the house, you can press the button and help will be on hand in no time at all. These buttons have saved many lives through the years and they could do the same for you should you have problems in the home.

There are many aids and pieces of kit which you can look to have installed in your home, you should consider them all if you want to make your home life easier.