Posts Tagged‘featured’

Dressing Your Age, Smart Fashion For Over 50s Males

Fashion for men became a great deal more popular in recent years than it did when I was a youngster and, as my grandchildren keep telling me, it is something that we all ought to be a little more conscious of. For that reason, since I turned 50, I have tried to keep my eye on how I dress and ensure that I am wearing the right clothes for my biggest critics, my family. I actually really enjoy to stay in style and it has become something important to me over the years. Even though I no longer work, I…

DIY Projects Which You Can Start Once You’ve Retired

It took me a little while to adjust to retirement, I was never particularly good at keeping myself busy and instead always craved work. Once I finished working, I knew that I would quickly have to find something else to fill my time, I began a few business interests and also decided that I would get started on some DIY projects that I had never found time to do. DIY is a great way to fill your time and if you are looking to get involved, here are some great projects which you could get started with. Kit Car I…

Sports Which The Older Generation Can Still Get a Kick Out Of

Whether we like it or not, as we age, we slow down a little bit, our joints get stiffer and flexibility isn’t, let’s say, our strong point. Now, in our day to day lives this is not always a big problem and as we do age, we adapt our lives to fit in with our capabilities. For those of us however, who love to play sports, we need to be a little more selective in terms of which sports we continue to play. If sports are something which you love to do then I would definitely recommend that you keep…

Apps That Can Help You to Stay on Top of Your Health

Unfortunately we all have to face the fact that Father Time is unrelenting and each minute, day and month that passes, we age that little bit more. Such is the way with life, when most of us start to reach a certain age, the risk of health problems increases by the day. Thankfully we are living in a good age, relatively speaking, and we have the blessing of cutting edge technology at our fingertips which medical professionals can use to keep us in shape, and which we can use to ensure we stay that way. I am of course, talking…

The Benefit of Road Trips As a Retiree

There are two ways to approach old age, the first is the acceptance that you have lived your life, achieved whatever you have achieved and now you can relax in your golden years before the time comes to meet your maker. The second and alternative option to this mindset, is to realize that this is the part of your life where you have little responsibility, cash on the hip and nothing but time with which you can enjoy this next chapter of your life. I opted for the latter when I reached 70 and one of my most favorite things…

You’re Never Too Old To Learn, How to Educate Yourself Using the Internet

It is a well known fact that staying younger is best done not with beauty products or anti-aging serums, that stuff only helps you to appear younger, but through using your brain as often as possible. Testing your brain out regularly can help to keep you mentally fit and younger than your years. Now, whilst something like a brain training game on your tablet may appear that you are giving your grey matter a workout, it will require much more than that to keep the spring in your intellectual step. One of the best ways to exercise your brain is…