Browsing CategoryTravel

Discovering the History of Las Vegas and Vegas Casinos

Did you know that Las Vegas welcomed over 32,200,000 visitors in 2021? The city is famous for its exceptional entertainment and casinos. Las Vegas records billions in revenue each year. The industry offers employment opportunities, boosts the tourism market, and increases tax revenue. Vegas has become one of the most iconic places in the US. However, many people are oblivious of how Las Vegas reached its peak. Read on to discover the history of Las Vegas and the casinos that surrounds it. Prehistory of Las Vegas Several groups of people inhabited the city before its discovery. Early Vegas was home…

Senior Trips Planning Guide

senior trips planning

Traveling, fun as it is, can be notoriously difficult to plan, pandemic or not. Seniors, like everyone else have various reasons to travel either to visit family or simply for fun. They often have to take extra care in planning in order to adequately accommodate the needs unique to them. Here’s a guide to better senior trips planning. Table of Contents Do proper research As soon as you make the decision to travel and settle on the dates, start researching travel services that are most accommodating for seniors. Take care to find the quickest and least stressful means to your…

Travel Tips for Older Travelers

Traveling is not just for the young millennials, or couples on their vacation. In fact, traveling gets better the older you are, because you’re not saddled by a lot of daily stresses that deluge the modern age and with a wealth of knowledge, you can appreciate the experiences even more.  Age does play a factor, but it’s mostly relegated to peripheries like staying away from hostels and getting to bed earlier. There are also quite a few people who think of older travelers as an easy target, which is why in this article, we’ll take a look at ways to…

Road Trip Ideas & Planning for Seniors

Are you a senior and part of a group it is looking to do a road trip, or are you just someone who is assisting a group of seniors looking to do a road trip. Planning this type of activity for seniors can be very challenging and demands that you embark on a set of steps that allow you to make sure that everything required is put in place. Seniors have special needs and you have to think through every aspect big and small so as to make sure that you don’t leave out anything important .To help you to…

James Feldkamp – Why it is Never Too Late To Go Traveling

I have loved travel for many years and alongside my buddy James Feldkamp we have visited some of the world’s most incredible places. Something which has always annoyed me a little about the topic of traveling is that for some reason people believe that it is only something which young people should be doing, before starting their life in the ‘real world’. The notion is that people can go for a fortnight on the beach once they live in the ‘real world’ but they cannot take 3 months out to go traveling around Europe. In my view it is never…

Michael Volitch on Why Traveling is Good For The Soul

After college my buddy Michael Volitich and I went for a wonderful 3 month tour throughout Europe and although I came back afterwards, my good friend is still traveling around the world. I spoke to him recently about what inspires him to travel and what he loves so much about it, and we got to discussing the positive effects of travel. Indeed my friend believes that traveling is not just fun, but also that it is good for your soul, and here is why. Rounded Character When you travel you open your eyes to new cultures and ways of life,…

5 Reasons Why Your Next Vacation Should Be on a Cruise

Everyone looks forward to the next holidays, those few weeks of the year when you can relax to your fullest and forget about everything that bothers you. However, for most people planning a full vacation where you get out of your locality is a stressful activity, and most of the time they end up going to the same places every year or staying at home. If you hate planning vacations, coordinating flights, transportation, lodgings, and speaking with dozens of operators to have a complete plan to relax during your holidays, then you should take a simple option and enjoy a…

How to Make any Great Occasion More Memorable

We all want to have special occasions in our lives that give us an extended level of joy, and that helped us to make positive memories that last a lifetime. Sometimes we don’t expect an occasion or an event that we attend to be special, and as a result we are often unprepared to take advantage of the occasion. Here’s some ways to prepare yourself for a great occasion and to even take what might be an average occasion and make it special. Invite Close Friends and Family There’s no better way to make an occasion special, then to invite…

The Best Cruise Destinations in the World

cruise destinations

Cruises are some of the most stylish and luxurious types of holidays out there. Your well looked after, even better fed and everything is organised for you. On top of this your living in absolute luxury with of wealth of entertainment facilities to choose from. Cruises also take you to some of most spectacularly beautiful destinations in the world from the flash bays of Monaco and Kotor in Montenegro to the Caribbean Islands of the Dominican Republic. You get to visit these places in comfort without any effort of organisation on your part, the only hard part is knowing which…